The Deck ClipClick to Buy Now 800-545-8884

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Rainscreen Clip
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Telephone Sales:
401 Bridge Street
Perry KS  66073
785-597-5637 fax

Examples & Testimonials

"Your clip is very easy to use and strong! My 11 year old son installed all the clips while I cut boards. I was sold on the clip for the fact that my Brazillian Cherry deck boards could still expand and contract once they were fastened down. Very happy!"
Dan Seyfert
Saukville, WI

Hanamichi Design, Freeport ME

"I decided to rebuild our 800 s.f. deck by myself and wanted hidden fasteners to install our IPE decking. After researching many different kinds and seeing recommended products from the IPE distributor I decided to go with the Deck Clip. I am so pleased with the results and ease of installation! I was a bit intimidated by the whole process being a woman in a typically man dominated field but I recieved awesome customer service and Jim answered all my many questions by phone and email giving me the confidence to do a great job. Anyone who sees our new deck is so impressed with the job I accomplished and the beautiful way it turned out. See the pics for yourself !"    Mari Knapp, Haddam CT

"The strength and trim construction of the clip itself allows for a secure and hidden attachment of decking."
Mark Sheffield, Sheffield Construction, CA

"The final look is great and the fact that are no recessed screws to trap dirt and debris. Plus the fasteners allow my composite decking to expand and contract freely."
Kevin Evans Contracting
Macedon, NY

"After trying the EBTY and returning all 500 clips I found in the Deckclip exactly what I was looking for, a strong hidden clip that is worth the additional cost and installation time (if compared with pre-drilling and using twice as many screws). In my case the Ipe was not pre-grooved so most of the installation time I spent cutting the grooves with the biscuit jointer."
Cris Bolle
Bridgewater, NJ


"Only needing to groove the edge of the decking with a biscuit joiner and not needing to put a screw through any part of the hardwood decking was great."
Eric Kvamme
Scotts Valley, CA

Cumaru with Maranta rails
Cumaru Deck With Maranta Rails, East Falmouth MA

Annan, Ontario

Small Backyard Deck

Deck built with cumuru
Cumaru Deck in Backyard

What Customers Say

"I tried three different hidden faster systems until the deckclip. One was plastic and didn't keep the screws. The other was metal but you had to used a small sledge hammer and for me this was difficult and mostly unsuccessful. Deckclip was a one woman job, I'm just a homeowner not a pro but a ripsaw and the Deckclip was excellent. Using it again on a smaller side deck looks great and people ask all the time about the hidden system."
Liz O'Leary
Sharon, MA

"Worked as advertised - unlike plastic competitor clips which failed to hold (screws pulled through clips) as wood (ipe) changes stressed them."
Chapel Hill, NC

"I received very helpful information and tips over the phone from the company owner himself, Jim Guffey."
Kyle Duckworth Building and Renovation
Bar Harbor, ME

"The final look is great and the fact that are no recessed screws to trap dirt and debris. Plus the fasteners allow my composite decking to expand and contract freely."
Kevin Evans Contracting
Macedon, NY

"The fastener free appearance [is great]. And the safety of not having a fastener cut a bare foot."
Kevin Richards
Winchester, VA

"I like the lack of visible fasteners on most of the deck surface"
David Large
Morgan Hill, CA

"Certainly the whole experience, from the packaging to the product, has been great. The number one reason for purchasing the Deckclip system was the non-corrosive material of the fasteners that would not stain my deck."
Cobb's Decks
Alexandria, VA

"The finished deck looks wonderful! It is so nice to look across the surface and NOT see any nails or screws."
Deborah Rowden
Ellensburg, WA

"The DeckClip is strong and long-lasting and allowed narrow spacing."
Jeff Blair
Newton, IA

"My order was accurate and arrived at my house very quickly."
Thomas Alexzulian
Solid Innovations
Buford, GA

"The unblemished decking contributes to the deck's aesthetic value. Deckclips are somewhat accessible after installation and do not damage the surfaces of the composite decking. If the decking is damaged, this aspect would allow me to "flip" or to replace one or more deck boards with relative ease if they become damaged."
Don Kelly
Pensacola, FL

"We expanded the project at the last minute and needed another bag of clips ASAP and you guys overnighted them out to us just in time."
Tom Wilson
Residential Energy Services
Viroqua, WI


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